Ministerial Alliance
The Ministerial Alliance is a major spiritual support to the Pastor. This Alliance is structured so that those persons acknowledging their call to 5-Fold Ministry are properly trained and equipped to minister the Gospel effectively in any given setting (Sunday Service, Conference, Bible Study, etc.).
Elder Gerod K. Macon
Worship & Arts Ministry
The Music Ministry consists of members of all ages used by God to worship Him in Spirit and in Truth and minister His message through song.
Elder Shay Keju
Protocol Ministry
The Protocol Ministry oversees and maintains the order and structure of each Sunday Worship Service and all Ministry events on the Ministry Calendar.
Elder Tonya Arrington
Intercessory Prayer Ministry
The Intercessory Prayer Ministry is responsible for undergirding our Senior Pastor/Apostle, the Church, and Membership in prayer. This Ministry is responsible for setting the atmosphere of worship prior to Sunday Service and any Ministry event.
Elder Sandra Dorsey
Deacon Ministry
The Deacon Ministry assists the Pastor, Congregation, and Community. This position is appointed by our Senior Pastor.
Deacon Jeffrey Haynes
New Members Ministry
The New Members Ministry is responsible for ensuring that all members who have joined Beacon Light are well-oriented through the New Members Orientation and Discipleship Training Classes. The New Members Ministry is a 3-Fold Ministry that consists of: New Members, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, and New Members Class.
Elder Larry Jones and Elder Chantyle Jones
Media/Presentation Ministry
The Media/Presentation Ministry serves as an aid to the Worship Experience to ensure that people stay informed and connected throughout the service via visual and audible means of media by providing announcements, Scripture readings, and worship song lyrics on presentation screens.
Minister Ria Reynolds
Ushers & Greeters
The Ushers Ministry greets and seats our members and visitors upon entering the Sanctuary.
Minister Cheryl Garrison
Armorbearer Ministry
This Ministry is committed to serving the Man of God and Woman of God with a Spirit of Excellence. This Ministry is a very strong physical and spiritual support to our First Family. This individual is chosen by the Senior Pastor.
Minister Kevin Crandle
Security Ministry
This ministry is responsible for ensuring that the safety of our congregation and guests is maintained during our Worship Services.
Minister Otha Sandifer
Nurses Guild
The Nurses Guild Ministry is responsible for assisting the Pastor and all Clergy by ensuring that they are adequately served. This position is appointed by our Senior Pastor.
Minister Terry Draughn